Memories of Hexagons

Another memory and a big part of my creating with cloth, began with hexagons. I was gifted a quilt top my grandmother hand pieced, appropriately known as “Grandmothers Garden.” The deal was I could have the quilt top if I finished it. Which I did and fell in love with the hexagon shape. Over the years hexagon shapes have often shown up in my work. 

There were pieces of a heavier, more of a twill weight, muslin leftover from the original uniform dress. After writing and drawing on these leftover pieces with “Inktense” crayons, I cut out several hexagons. These large hexagons where (machine) stitched into large hunks of fabric. I draped those hunks of fabric into two sections, a left side and a right side if you will. The sections are snapped together to form a completed vest. 

After I completed the hexagon vest piece, there were still tons of little scraps, with snippets of words and drawings. These were sewn into little odd shapes. Each one finished with a lining. I designed a little vest that could be worn over the top of that hexagon vest, and/or layered over the Uniform dress. Each of those tiny shapes were secured together with little hand stitches. For embellishment I sewed odd bits of vintage snaps here and there. 

I continue to Explore Memories.

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